Friday, June 7, 2013

The Limits of Reforestation vs. Unlimited Faith

We spend so much breath saying things can't be done. 

In searching the web for reforestation articles I find so much defeatism.  For example, with respect to Haitian reforestation, it often takes the form of bigotry and anger with the Haitian traditional method of charcoal cooking (see the comments below this article).  With scientists it is all about pragmatism "you can't solve the problem with reforestation, it's only part of the solution." See this article.

What the cynics are missing is the simple fact that we need to change minds.  If a society can embrace reforestation, and reforestation's sister, permaculture, it must, of necessity, become aware of other necessary changes.  Success has an effect on behavior.  For instance, were Haitians able to plant more trees and shift to a permaculture model, it seems impossible to me that they would not "get it".  How could they continue to burn the trees they were planting once their livelihoods depended on these same trees?  For more on permaculture transformations see Geoff Lawton's web site.

Now I am not a bible beater by any stretch.  And it sometimes seems that good intentions have done as much harm as good in many areas of the world (including Haiti) by promoting a culture reliant on handouts.  But these same good intentions are often lifesaving.  I find, you might say oddly, that it is often religious individuals who are actually doing something -- rather than just talking about it.   I just love that these kids got out there and planted 999 trees in a week.  It's not even a fraction of what is needed, of course, but it is really something -- and it is leading by example.  If they inspire one Haitian to carry on planting, it could change the entire course of history for this small island nation.

I am happy to say that there are more and more hopeful stories popping up on the web with respect to Haiti.  It is only a small country, and reforestation on Haiti is not going to make much difference to the world climate.  But with respect to the climate of and stability of Haiti itself, reforestation and permaculture could dramatically improve the lives of 10 million people.  See this article for an unusually upbeat story along these lines.

Many in Haiti are still focused only on survival.  But there are some who are working to move beyond the dual tragedies of natural disaster and disease.  Sadhana Forest is an organization that is doing just that.  They have planted 40,000 trees thus far, and they will let you be part of the solution if you so choose.  Check it out.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Hate Super Storms? Here's What to Do:

Does anyone still doubt that the tornadoes in the central US states -- and the whole tragic series of super storms that we have witnessed this decade -- is a result of global warming?

Anyhow, if you want to take action, here's what to do:
  1. Help the victims:
  2. Reduce your carbon footprint:
  3. Support reforestation: donate to The Eden Projects or another quality charity that plants more trees and sequesters more carbon.
  4. Tell your friends how good it feels to be part of the solution.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How Many Trees To Reverse Global Warming?

That's the real question, isn't it?  How many trees are needed to sequester the carbon sent into the atmosphere by human beings?  Can we plant that many?  Can we go back to our old atmosphere?

It is a question I have been asking myself a lot recently, so I thought I would find out just how many trees it would take to sequester that much carbon.

Some Reforestation Calculations

My quick and dirty research reveals differing figures with respect to current deforestation rates.  My calculations below rely on very shaky suppositions and, therefore, will need to be refined in future articles.  However, the numbers are worth considering.

This gentleman has done the math for us and has determined that, if we were to reforest an area the size of Texas  (about 50 million hectares) every year, we would sequester the amount of carbon emitted every year by human beings -- with caveats.  The benefit would not be immediate, the scheme does not reverse but only stops the current trend, and this scheme is only good until we run out of room for forests.

According to this Deforestation Report, thanks to the University of Michigan, the amount of tropical deforestation that has occurred to date, due to human interference, is approximately 800 million hectares (one half of the total tropical forest that once existed).  Therefore, if we were to replant all tropical forests at a rate that to equal our current carbon emission, we would do so in 16 years.  After that, we would need to replant non-tropical forests and find another method of sequestering carbon.  Of course, this assumes that the land is available, not being used for other purposes or owned by people who have an interest in seeing it remain cleared.

According to Wikipedia, the world continues to lose about 13.7 million hectares of forested land every year.  In that case, we actually need to replace that forest, as well.  So we would need to plant about 64 million hectares per year in total.

It All Comes Down To You

Replanting a hectare of forest requires about 2000 trees.  That's about $200 per hectare if we use the low-cost model perfected by the Eden Projects. That's about $13 billion per year that needs to be spent, worldwide, on reforestation projects if we are to tackle this challenge.  Sound like a lot of money?  That's less than .09% of the US GDP.  Not so much, really.  That's about $41 for every US citizen.

For $41 apiece per year, less than $4 per month, we could start to stabilize back global warming without even replacing our light bulbs with compact fluorescents.  And that's assuming that no other nation is willing to help foot the bill.  The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, since 2001, have cost more than 100 times that.

Imagine the impact if we every caring person contributed $10 per month for reforestation, then re-insulated our attics, changed our light bulbs and ate 50% less red meat!

Don't Give Up!

It is so easy for us to throw up our hands and say "it can't be done". Yes, it will be a challenge.  And, yes, we need new technologies to help us reduce the amount of carbon we release into the atmosphere.  But can we afford to dismiss reforestation?  Even if we can only replant half of the forests that have been lost, think of how much better off we would be for the effort!

And consider the alternative.  I mean really, consider it.  Most of us understand that, by the time our great-grandchildren are born, the world will not be livable -- assuming the current trend continues.  Yet we put the blinders on as if there is nothing to be done.  We'll spend a trillion dollars to topple a third-rate dictator but continue to spend nothing on reforestation.

Finally, please consider the match I offered in my previous article and make a pledge to the Eden Projects.  So far, I have no takers but I know you're out there!  It's going to take a movement to make this happen so pass it along!

p.s. I suspect that my math is not perfect in the above.  Please feel free to correct it where it has failed.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

In Dubious Honor of 400ppm...

Here it is!  A new blog dedicated to raising awareness, commitment, and money for reforestation projects. 

Sitting in my dining room in Providence, it is hard to imagine what impact I can have on the global warming crisis in which we find ourselves today.  We have reached a landmark 400 parts per million CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.  According to Wikipedia and just about every other authority on the matter, this may be our highest reading in 20 million years.

We need to do something.  So I began to wonder, just what is it that I can do?  I have already changed my light bulbs to compact fluorescents.  I have already insulated my house.  I eat very little meat.  I use only "renewable energy" from National Grid.  I compost, I reduce, reuse, recycle...  I even bought a nice, fuel-efficient Hyundai Elantra last year.  Did it make a difference?  I don't kid myself.  If everyone in the world lived the way I do, we would still be plummeting into the carbon abyss.

So what can be done?

Many people feel hopeless at this point.  In fact, I felt that way myself until very recently when I started reading about reforestation.

Reforestation is a Viable, Achievable, Sustainable Solution

 The debate always seems to come down to the old, frustrating discussion of how to get people and businesses to stop emitting so much CO2.  We all consume too much.  This must be part of the solution.  We all need to live more responsibly.  But it is the most difficult solution to the problem because it is impossible to make everyone else do it.  If your neighbor drives a Hummer, how to you offset that?  Well, the good news is you can.  And the solution is right in front of our faces every day: Trees.  Not just a few trees.  Not just a tree in your back yard.  No, millions and millions and millions of trees.

Here is the simple equation that can solve our problems in 30 years:
  • Millions of starving victims of deforestation +
  • Lots of first world folks with a little extra money and lots of good intentions +
  • A network of trainers who can put these victims to work planting, raising and protecting trees for as little as 10 cents apiece.  Yes, just 10 cents apiece.

Billions of Trees

The great news is that this network is being built as we speak!  For as little as $10/month you can pay for 100 trees to be planted by donating to the The Eden Projects.  If this wonderful organization can continue to scale their work, they can literally save the world for your grandchildren.  They have the solution but they need LOTS AND LOTS of money to implement it on a scale that will accomplish this herculean feat.

Carbon Offset Calculator

Check out your own carbon footprint with this carbon calculator.  Remember, you need not only to offset your own current consumption but also all of your past consumption and that of a number of other people who do not understand the importance of this move.  A very modest contribution of $10 per month will (by tree maturity) offset the current consumption of, perhaps, 30 average Americans.  Consider that!  For perhaps 10% of the money you spend on heating oil or natural gas, you can:
  • Employ one person in impoverished Ethiopia, Madagascar or Haiti
  • Plant enough trees to make a difference

Begin Small. Tithe 5%

What can you contribute to save the world?  I am currently giving 5% of my net income after expenses to The Eden Projects.  I will, however, give up to 10% if I can inspire some matching donations.  Please tell me how much you are willing to give this year.  I will match it up to my maximum.  Let's do this, folks.  It may be the most important decision you make this year!